Developments in communications, travel and trade over recent decades have produced a global network of ideas, institutions, and economies. Engineering & technologies have become global in scope and scale. Engineering graduate must not only be grounded in scientific and mathematical fundamentals, engineering principles and design, but must also have a global outlook and the broader skills to work in society. Engineering education is thus challenged to prepare a technically competent, new age professionals.

Changing nature of engineering practice, and its globalization, engineering colleges have been reforming their course structures, adding new age courses. In the classroom, the emphasis is typically moving from ‘teaching’ to ‘learning’,. Modern technologies, particularly in computers and communications, are having major positive impacts on how the education is being delivered, and how students and faculty interact with one another. It include teamwork and communication skills, business and entrepreneurship elements, international dimensions, sustainable development, technique specifications in shaping the engineering curriculum and its evaluation.

The biggest question … Is your engineering college upto the mark with the new age & modern infrastructure? Dataquest T-School is pioneer in analysing & identifying top engineering colleges from last 15 years. Dataquest is coming up with new market analysis “Digital Index” on the engineering colleges in India. Digital indexing will evaluate the overall “DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE I DIGITAL TEACHING I LEARNING PRACTICES I ADOPTING NEW TECHNOLOGIES I NEW AGE SKILL DEVELOPMENT I SUPPORT I ATTRIBUTING NEW DIGITAL CULTURES among students & teachers and many more.”

Have you participated in the survey? Click here to participate.

It will answer the Biggest Question: Are they meeting the Digital Infrastructure demand for the new age learners?

Digital Infrastructure

Digital Teaching

Modern Learning Practices

New Tech Adoption

Skill Development

New Digital Cultures

Focus Areas

  • 100+ Engineering colleges I 10,000+ Students to be surveyed I Digital Infrastructure I Tech - Trends

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